“A field has to be broken open before it can grow anything up.”
Ann Voskamp
That’s Lent isn’t it? The breaking open?
The breaking up and open of how we have become… comfortable… settled…certain?
The breaking open over 40 days of self-reflection and self-denial,
so that self recedes.
Breaking open eyes to look, really look, to see our Savior-need.
Breaking open space where Spirit is invited to invade… and challenge… and change.
Through the turning of repentance and the letting go of what is so comfortably held
our self-led journey becomes Spirit led,
we are broken open and made whole.
More wholly like the Holy One Who was broken –
put to death in the flesh, but made alive in the Spirit. (1 Peter 3:18)
A lot can happen in 40 days.
A lot that needs to be broken can be broken.
A lot that needs to be grown can be grown.
I guess the real question is:
Am I willing to let it happen to me?
Are you willing to let it happen to you?
A field has to be broken open before it can grow anything up.
May it be now. May it be so.
In me, in you, in us, so that we may
grow up in every way into Him who is the head, into Christ…
Ephesians 4:15
Sharing the journey with you and thankful for you, Dena
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