“I thank my God every time I think of you! I always pray with joy, whenever I pray for you all, because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now.” – Philippians 1:3-5
Thank God for our connection.
And thank you for connecting with me and my family through your prayers, your cards,
your emails, your texts, your calls, and your presence.
Clergy and laity. Active, retired. Fairway District, other Districts,
our Conference and beyond.
Many I knew, some I didn’t.
You chose to reach out in one way or another…to connect.
You chose to journey alongside me and Tom and my oh so wonderful dad and our family as we walked through the valley of the shadow of my father’s surprising diagnosis-stage 4 metastatic colon cancer-and subsequent death 4 days later.
It was a whirlwind for a mercifully brief, emotionally charged, exhausting 3 weeks.
And, you…my sisters and brothers…were there.
You. Were. There.
Bringing peace, bringing prayer, bringing kindness, bringing care, offering help,
being a balm, for this beyond grateful daughter in the midst of her goodbye.
And most assuredly, I thank God for YOU.
Always thankful for you and for the honor of serving with you, Dena
If you would like to view past editions of Grace for the Journey, follow this link: https://fairwaydistrictnc.org/category/from-the-ds/