This title is from an essay I read years ago.
I can’t remember much about the essay or the author’s name, but the title impacted me then
and remains with me to this day.
It powerfully reminds of the living creative continuing activity of God’s Word.
The power of God’s word which never comes back to God void…reading us.
Reading us and reading every nook and cranny – every high and low, every hidden hoped to be
kept in the dark place, spotlighting the whole of us with unrelenting truth…and thankfully and
mercifully…with unrelenting grace.
The power of God’s word reads us and tells our story.
Like those in Nehemiah’s day, we hear and we are cut to the quick, tears brought to our eyes,
bodies crumbling to our knees, with the devastating glory of God’s truth.
God’s double edged sword pierces and divides with surgeon’s skill sin’s sinew from the faithful frame of bone within. Dividing and conquering that we might be… free.
More free than we ever have been, more free than we could ever imagine being.
Free to not only read God’s word, but to be read by God’s word,
so that we might be God’s word.
Free to let the prophet’s words read by Jesus, read us – read our lives – read our choices – read our next steps, so that the world can see God’s word enfleshed in us and proclaim…
TODAY!, yes, TODAY! the word has been fulfilled
in our hearing,
in our hoping,
in our searching.
May it be so in you. May it be so in me.
By God’s grace and with great gratitude for you, Dena
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