The voice of the Lord is over the waters;
the God of glory thunders,
the Lord, over mighty waters.
The voice of the Lord is powerful;
the voice of the Lord is full of majesty.
– Psalm 29:3-4
I pray that you can hear the voice of the Lord over your waters.
The waters of your baptism,
The waters of your cleansing,
The waters of torrent threatening to drown,
The waters of refreshing quenching your parched places.
Hear the voice of the God Who loves you…
Hear the voice of the Calling One Who calls you by name…
Hear the voice of the Eternal Claim choosing you…
Hear the voice of the One Who speaks these grace drenched words
over you,
about you,
for you,
to you,
You are my beloved…with you I am well pleased.
I pray that you can hear the voice of the Lord over your waters,
this breath,
this day,
this new year,
this threshold of eternity.
I pray that you can hear the voice of the Lord over your waters
through every challenge, every delight, every known, and every unknown.
I pray that you can hear the voice of the Lord over your waters and believe.
I pray that you can hear the voice of the Lord over your waters and trust.
I pray that you can hear the voice of the Lord over your waters and receive
the promise of the Word enfleshed…
You are my beloved…with you I am well pleased.
In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit,
may it be so.
Always thankful for you, Dena
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