“Star UMC Supports Star Elementary School”
Pastor Kay Boone and the awesome Star UMC UMW have an ongoing relationship with the public school across the street. Pastor Kay recently shared, “Over the years Star has prepared a back-to-school breakfast for our teachers and collected supplies for each teacher to help defray the cost of purchasing items the school system does not pay for or provide. This has been a joy for us! Even during the pandemic when we had to modify our process, we continued on. Attached are some pics of this event.“
A new school year has begun. . . and, we’ve learned a whole lot about caring for our community and the adaptability of our public school educators! Please feel WELCOME to send your “C 4 C” celebrations to: Elaine Lilliston (elilliston@nccumc.org).
COMING SOON. . . Connectivity Mini-grants for C 4 C Outreach!!!
As we embrace this “new school year”, what are the greatest needs within your local community as the church seeks to support our local public school children? As you plan, KNOW that the NCC wants to partner with your church to help make visions a reality. If, funding is needed to help support internet connectivity as weekday options for public school children are explored. . . a mini grant opportunity is being envisioned and will likely be in an announcement prior to our next district newsletter. Please read NCCUMC communications. . . apply early. . . and, let our Fairway C 4 C team know how we may best help you achieve your goals.
Feel welcome to contact Elaine Lilliston (elilliston@nccumc.org) as your visions unfold.