The past 3 years have been amazing. Truly.
We started together as heads in boxes Brady Bunch style,
stayed that way for safety’s sake much longer than any of us expected,
then, after a year and a half, finally got to share the joy of
in-person everything!
Through it all, you have been an amazing gift!
You, your ministries, your families sharing the journey, all the Fairway churches faithfully continuing to offer Jesus in new as well as tried and true ways.
The amazing grace of God abounded in you, in us, and in our ministry together.
None of it was perfect by any means. We were all learning on the fly… how to be a DS, how to be virtual, how to be the church, how to adapt existing ministries and create new, how to honor Christ in the midst of challenges we had never encountered or faced.
Thanks be to God for God’s amazing grace!
For, in the midst of our imperfectly trying to hold it all together, we were all perfectly held.
I can only feel awe and gratitude to have shared this journey with you.
Thank you for who you have been and who you are.
It has truly been a gift to learn from you, grow with you, and be inspired by you.
Together, we have faced challenges, weathered storms, addressed conflict, endured loss,
and shared the joys of life and God’s love made manifest through forward movement into a future of God’s creating.
A LOT has been packed into this past 3 years… and God’s grace has always been present, guiding… strengthening… being strong in our weak places… blessing.
That grace continues – going before us and with us, and with your new District Superintendent, Rev. Sunny Limm, and his family.
I am so excited for Sunny and for you and the God dreams you will share for the future… those good works God has prepared for you to walk in together. (Ephesians 2:10)
Know that my prayers continue for you with great gratitude.
I am a better disciple and minister because of this journey we have shared.
Thank you. Thanks be to God!
Always thankful for you,